Products / Services

At Tuck and Sons we offer the complete metal polishing and finishing service,unlike many other companies we have the ability to strip the items and rebuild them and repair if necessary. we have a fully equiped machine shop and 40 years of expierence in repairing and rebuilding your items

Bring us or ship your items and when you recieve it back it will be totlly ready for display.

Swedish Military Observation Binocular

Swedish Military Observation Binocular After Restoration


WW2 US Navy Submarine Binoculars


WW2 US Navy Submarine Binoculars after Restoration


Vintage Aluminium Suitcase


Vintage Aluminium Suitcasr After Polishing


Vacum Cleaner Casing


Vacum Cleaner Casings


Town Crier Brass Bell


Town Crier Brass Bell After Polishing


Huge Naval Francis Marine Brass Spotlight


Photo gallery

Call us now:  02380199247

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