Tuck & Sons Products & Services

Bespoke Engineering

If you have an idea in your head and no idea how to make it a reality we can make your dream come true. As specialist engineers we pride ourselves in the ability to create projects from your ideas, even if it’s a sketch on a piece of paper.
Over the years we have built many different projects for people from very small to the very large, for movie sets and for homes and offices.
We have been asked to build custom mounts for binoculars, armillary spheres, sun dials, sextant stands, turned various items into coffee tables for example car engines, jet turbines and torpedo gearboxes. Check out the gallery for examples.

  • One of our projects was to take a set of dials from a WW2 submarine and our customer asked us to find a way of displaying them. So we mounted them all on a mahogany plaque and engraved a plate with the details of the submarine.
  • We were asked to make a copy of a Grand Orary for a movie set from just an old black and white picture. This was the finished product turned out to be.

For more example of our work check out the gallery.